Fisheries Reform 2025 |
Consultation on the Fisheries Reform 2025
This survey relates to proposals to reform the Fisheries Act 1986 set out in the consultation document. We recommend you read the consultation document carefully before completing this survey.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may answer all of the substantive questions, or just the ones most relevant to you. We require the collection of your name in the survey. Any personal information you supply to us in the process of making a submission for this consultation will only be used for the purpose of assisting in the development of proposals in relation to this review, to attribute a submission to you for our internal review or so we can contact you about your submission. If you include the name of your organisation, your comments will be attributed to that organisation. Please be careful not to identify yourself or others in the free text response boxes if that is not intended or required for a response. Any personal information collected will be managed as explained in our MPI disclosure statement (which explains how MPI stores, uses and protects your personal information, including rights to access and correct it) and according to the Survey Monkey policy notice. MPI will collect summaries of the results or quotations in the consultation result documents that are not intended to identify or be attributed to any individual. Those summarised results may be shared within MPI and with Ministers involved in the reform.
Submissions are subject to the release under the New Zealand Official Information Act 1982 and requests for access to personal information under the Privacy Act 2020. If you have any objection to release of any information in your submission, please clearly state this in the survey or email us directly at Fish.reform@mpi.govt.nz. In your statement, please clearly indicate which parts you consider should be withheld together with the reasons for withholding the information. We will take such comments into account when we do our own review.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may answer all of the substantive questions, or just the ones most relevant to you. We require the collection of your name in the survey. Any personal information you supply to us in the process of making a submission for this consultation will only be used for the purpose of assisting in the development of proposals in relation to this review, to attribute a submission to you for our internal review or so we can contact you about your submission. If you include the name of your organisation, your comments will be attributed to that organisation. Please be careful not to identify yourself or others in the free text response boxes if that is not intended or required for a response. Any personal information collected will be managed as explained in our MPI disclosure statement (which explains how MPI stores, uses and protects your personal information, including rights to access and correct it) and according to the Survey Monkey policy notice. MPI will collect summaries of the results or quotations in the consultation result documents that are not intended to identify or be attributed to any individual. Those summarised results may be shared within MPI and with Ministers involved in the reform.
Submissions are subject to the release under the New Zealand Official Information Act 1982 and requests for access to personal information under the Privacy Act 2020. If you have any objection to release of any information in your submission, please clearly state this in the survey or email us directly at Fish.reform@mpi.govt.nz. In your statement, please clearly indicate which parts you consider should be withheld together with the reasons for withholding the information. We will take such comments into account when we do our own review.