Registration Form for Fisheries Reform 2025 online consultation sessions

The Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) is inviting you to an online consultation session about fisheries reform. If you are interested in participating, please enter your details below to sign up to an online Q&A session on the Fisheries Reform 2025. We recommend you read the consultation document on the MPI website and come prepared with questions.

What will we do with your information?

We are collecting your personal information for the purpose of inviting you to take part in an online consultation session about fisheries reform. The information you provide in this form will only be used by MPI for this purpose. Your information will be accessible to MPI staff involved in the consultation. Your information will be deleted once no longer necessary and according to our record retention and disposal policy. Refer to our disclosure statement to find out how MPI stores, uses and protects your personal information, including rights to access and correct it.

This registration form may be subject to the release under the New Zealand Official Information Act 1982 and requests for access to personal information under the Privacy Act 2020. If you have any objection to release of any information in your registration, email us directly at When you do so, please clearly indicate which parts you consider should be withheld together with the reasons for withholding the information. We will take such comments into account when we do our own review.

Question Title

1. Please enter your full name:

Question Title

2. Please enter the full name of your organisation:

Question Title

3. Please enter your contact email:

Question Title

4. Which online consultation session on the Fisheries reform 2025 would you like to attend?

Question Title

5. Please enter specific questions about the consultation and we will endeavour to answer these during the session or in the Q&As on the website.